8th Air Force

PriorService is proud to offer items for historic Eighth Air Force. The Eighth Air Force was formed in 1942 as the United States geared up to fight in World War II. The 8th Air Force started combat action in Europe against Germany occupied Europe in 1944. The 8th Air Force primarily area of operation was France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany. During World War II the 8th Air Force carried out strategic heavy bombing missions, tactical and close air support missions and fighter support and fighter interdiction. The Eighth Air Force is most known for the iconic heavy bombing missions over Germany with formations of up to and over 1,000 B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberators. After World War II the 8th Air Force was incorporated into the newly formed Strategic Air Command in the now separated United States Air Force. During the Korean War the 8th Air Force primarily deployed fighter aircraft in support of the UN action. During the Vietnam War the 8th Air Force returned to the duty for which it is primarily know, strategic heavy bombing. The 8th Air Force was deployed to the Southeast Asia for nearly 10 years and during that time its B-52 bombers and KC-135 tankers took the heavy bombing to North Vietnam. The Eighth Air Force was deployed in 1991 in support of the Gulf War. After the war the 8th Air Force was transferred to the Air Combat Command and was again transferred in 2010 to the Air Force Global Strike Command. Our selection of items for the 8th Air Force includes caps, patches, pins and more.