PriorService is proud to offer a huge selection of US Army hats. We offer two styles, a high front and a low profile. The high front hat is thought of as an older classic style with a higher front, which stands more vertical than other styles. The low profile fit closer to your head and the front is sloped back at a higher angle and is more form fitting to your head. Our selection includes hats for US Army units, wars and conflicts, decorations, veteran and retirees and many others. We offer Army covers in a wide variety of colors including Black, Green, Tan, ACU pattern and more.
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Our Selection of Army Hats
Including a large selection of Army unit hats as well as for Army Veteran and Retirees as wells as for specialties, awards, wars and operations. Our most popular section is our
Army Division Caps section. This section includes lids for almost every Army Division as well as specific to wars and operations that those divisions fought in. We offer World War II veteran options for most Army division that fought in World War II. We also offer a great choice for divisions that fought in the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
PriorService offers choices for a wide range of specialties within the US Army. We have options for the Special Forces, Rangers, Airborne, Artillery, Armor, Armored Cavalry, Infantry, EOD, Combat Engineer and more. We also have a nice selection of
Army Hats including Army Veterans, Retirees as well as US Army Veterans for many of the recent wars and operations the US has fought. These hats are a great way to show your pride in your service in the best Army in the world.