PriorService is proud to offer the largest selection of US Army Special Forces items on the Internet. These elite warriors wear their distinctive Green Beret and best soldiers in the US Army. The history of the US Army Special Forces starts with their creation in 1952. They have served with distinction in Vietnam, El Salvador, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, Philippines, Desert Strom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom and many other less publicized actions. Special Forces have several unique rolls including unconventional warfare, counter terrorism, reconnaissance, training foreign troops and more. These elite soldiers first major action was in the Vietnam War where they served with distinction and formulated many of their tactics and procedures. These are constantly being updated and changed to better fight the changing threats. The US Army Special Forces have served extensively in both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. These experiences have helped the SF mold their tactics to the modern battlefield and their experience in unconventional fighting has served them fighting the insurgency in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our selection of US Army Special Forces items has something for every Green Beret. We have a huge selection of SF caps include both general SF caps and those specific to SF service in Vietnam, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom and more. We also offer a large selection of Special Forces patches. We offer SF patches for service in many conflicts and patches of many different shapes and sizes. Our selection of SF challenge coins includes general SF coins as well as coins for every Special Forces Group. Our selection also includes many SF pins, t-shirts, golf shirts, license plates, flags and more.