1st Cavalry Division

PriorService is proud to offer a huge selection of items for the 1st Cavalry Division. The division is currently based Fort Hood, Texas and is one of the most famous and most decorated Division in the US Army. The 1st Cavalry Division was formed in 1921 and has seen combat in every major American conflict since. The division saw combat in the Pacific Theater during World War II and then saw occupation duty in Japan after the war ended. With the start of the Korean War, the division was rushed from Japan to help with stand the North Korean attack. The division remained on the line for almost 2 years before being sent back to Japan for repair and refit. The division remained in either Japan or Korea until it returned back to the US in 1965. With its return to the US, the 1st Cavalry Division was renamed the 1st Cavalry Division Airmobile. Commonly referred to as the 1st Air Cav, the division set about testing a new type of warfare, Air Assault. The division was deployed to Vietnam and tested these new concepts over the next five year of combat in Vietnam. The iconic images of UH-1 Hueys is synonymous with the 1st Air Cavalry and its proud service in Vietnam. The division also served in Desert Storm, was deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our selection of items for the 1st Cavalry Division has everything for active duty and retired soldiers. We have a large selection of baseball caps, tee shirts, sweatshirts, football jerseys, challenge coins, decals, patches, lapel pins, license plates and more.